My Vape Won't Stop Auto-Firing

Get help with auto-firing issues.

Rachel Domanchich

Last Update 8 mesi fa

Automatic draw activation is a handy feature on many pod kit models, allowing the user to activate (or, "fire") the vape by simply inhaling on the mouthpiece. Sometimes, this mechanism can malfunction.

If you've found that your vape is auto-firing on its own, there are some steps you can take to rectify the issue.

As soon as you notice this issue, remove the pod from the battery immediately. This is to avoid burning your coil and overheating the battery.

For steps on how to fix auto-firing issues, we've written an in-depth troubleshooting article on our blog to help you Troubleshoot Auto-Firing. Please refer to this article in the first instance. Following the 3 easy steps outlined in the article should help you fix the problem. 

If your vape continues to auto-fire on its own despite trying these solutions, there may be an issue with the battery. Please reach out to us via email, phone, or live chat and one of our expert team members will happily assist you.

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